The Brush T comes in four
different sizes - 3 Wood,
Driver, Extreme and XL.
One package of Brush T contain three tees (exception XL
which comes in a two pack).
The humble tee has been an underestimated weapon
of advantage in the game of
golf until now. Players have
failed to take into account
the arguably fractional
disadvantage plastic and
wooden tees place on their
game. At the drive, your
club is traveling at up to 98
miles per hour and anything
that touches it at that speed is going to have an effect.
This is now arguable no longer!
Just a 'kiss' at that speed will skew the ball.
The Brush-T bristles have been designed to do away
with that. The ball is supported largely by air and so it's
less than a breath that helps put the ball into flight. The
frantic speed of the clubface at impact is concentrated
so perfectly on the ball, that the sheer kinetic energy
helps such a perfect spank that you – as a golfer –
must, must use this.
#GT002 - $
(3 Wood)
To order, simply click on this image!